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Cruising the Scottish Isles

· Expedition Cruise,Scotland,Hebrides,Shetland,Orkneys

There is a first time for everything. Also in travel. For me, this time it's the first time going on a cruise. More specifically an expedition cruise to the islands in and around Scotland.

The itinerary I will be doing over the next 13 days is called "Whiskey and Wildlife from the Hebrides to Shetland" and will take me to places like Isle of Man, St.Kilda, Isles of Sky, Iona and Fair Isle. That is, if the weather and the gods will permit it. After all it is an expedition cruise with no guarantees. But whiskey we will drink, and wildlife we will see. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the wind and waves will not be in the way to see a lot of it.