• Press and Media Kit

    broken image

    Below you will find my social media following and links to the individual pages:



    You can download my press and media kit on this link once its operational.


    Update frequency: weekly when at home, almost daily when traveling
    Writing style: personal, honest, sharing destinations, culture and thoughts
    Travel style: budget to luxury travel, and outdoor adventures
    Geographic focus is: whole world, mostly travels outside of Europe


    Sessions: tba
    Unique visitors: tba
    Pageviews: tba Social Media approx**:

    Instagram: 23000+
    YouTube (subs): 2400+
    Facebook (page): 4600+


    * Based on Google Analytics. Period: will publish soon

    ** Social Media numbers as of January 2024


    » Photography and filming of destinations and events
    » Sponsored posts for the right kind of products
    » Social Media Promotions
    » Freelance Writing of Articles
    » Product reviews